At a campaign event on Wednesday night, President Biden attempted to show his dedication to the United States’ long history of immigration by criticizing two American allies–Japan and India. He did this to deflect attention from the mounting demand on him to demonstrate his toughness at the border.
He said that “two democracies,” as well as Russia and China, don’t want immigrants.
His recent criticism of Japan follows his statement describing the US-Japan bond as “unbreakable” when hosting Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on a state visit. The country remains an important US ally despite American worries about religious freedom and human rights in India.
As part of his effort to resist Chinese aggressiveness in the area, the president has spent years cultivating the governments of Japan and India. These remarks might irritate the diplomacy between the nations. Among the five allies that Mr. Biden has entertained with state dinners at the White House since becoming president, Japan and India are included.
According to White House national security spokesman John F. Kirby, who spoke with reporters on Thursday, Mr. Biden was attempting to talk about the United States’ immigrant “DNA” without belittling other nations.
Attempting to differentiate himself from former president Trump’s years-long crackdown on immigration, Biden is trying to take a moral stance on the nation’s treatment of migrants. Mr. Biden was critical of Trump during the 2020 campaign for his stances on immigration and race. Mr. Biden advocated for sweeping changes to the country’s immigration system that would have granted immigrants more rights on his first day in office.
Demands for more robust measures increased as the border situation deteriorated, including among the president’s Democratic supporters in major cities such as Denver, Chicago, and New York. Mr. Biden’s policies and language have become more aggressive despite his proposals for new legal pathways for some people to join the US.
According to the Indian government, the US Department of State report that identified “significant” human rights breaches in India at the end of April is profoundly biased and reflects a poor understanding of India.