According to the most recent data from the CDC, at least ten people in four states have been sickened by an E. coli epidemic that has been associated with raw milk cheese products.
Raw Farms LLC issued a voluntary recall for Raw Farm cheddar cheeses after alerts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about illnesses in four states: Utah, Colorado, Texas, and California, which seemed to be connected.
In response to the CDC’s and FDA’s concerns, the business said that the recall was initiated due to “an abundance of caution” and that samples had never tested positive for E. coli.
Still, according to the CDC, customers should not ingest the company’s Raw Farm cheeses and should either return them to the store where they were purchased or throw them away. Additionally, the CDC recommends that consumers disinfect any surfaces that may have come into contact with the cheeses.
All sizes and packaging of the original and Jalapeo Raw Milk Raw Cheddar versions are on the list of potentially affected items. The CDC issued a food safety notice, and the cheeses were also sent countrywide.
There have been at least ten cases of illness associated with Raw Farm cheeses; four of these cases have resulted in hospitalizations, and one of these individuals has acquired kidney-affecting hemolytic uremic syndrome. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that out of the ten documented illnesses, four were reported in California, three in Colorado, two in Utah, and one in Texas.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that the number of cases is “much higher” since some disease victims may have gotten well without medical attention.
The CDC reports that most patients may get well without therapy after a week of suffering from an E. coli infection, which usually starts about three or four days after the germs are ingested.
If you think you may have caught E. coli and you’re suffering any of these severe symptoms, you should contact a doctor immediately.
Most bacteria often found in the intestines of humans and other animals, known as Escherichia coli or E. coli, are entirely harmless, but certain strains may cause sickness and spread via tainted food or water or direct human or animal contact.