Ex-Border Head Issues Ominous Warning Over Rising Migrant Statistics

Things are not looking good with illegal immigration, thanks in large part to the lax border policies of the Biden administration.

Those words came from Aaron Heitke, the former chief agent of the Border Patrol who appeared on the “Fox & Friends First” show on Wednesday. Heitke, who is now retired, sounded alarms over illegal immigration, especially among people who are considered “significant interest aliens.”

As he said on the program:

“We saw a steady increase in the number of individuals coming across the border. … The numbers just continued to increase to the thousands and thousands each day.”

This week, Heitke was scheduled to testify in front of the House Homeland Security Commission regarding the policies of the Biden administration that have resulted in more than 8.2 million migrant encounters happening between February of 2021 and July of this year.

In just the San Diego sector alone, there has been a “staggering” increase in the number of migrants crossing into the U.S., Heitke said. He explained:

“In the last two years that I was in San Diego, San Diego averaged over the history of the sector — averaged 10 to 15 significant interest alien arrested per year. In 2022, that jumped to well over 100. And in 2023, it was close to 200.

“The numbers continued to skyrocket, and that’s just what we got.”

In the last two years, “entire sectors” fo the U.S. southern border in California, Texas and Arizona at some times had “no agent presence at all.”

He then warned:

“We have no idea who and what came into our country over that timeframe.”

Illegal immigrants don’t just cause an issue with who is actually in the country, Heinke said. It’s also about how much of a “struggle” it is to return these migrants back to their home countries once they are caught.

As he explained:

“Many people don’t realize that we have to have an agreement with each sending country to send their citizens back. Those agreements were allowed to lapse … with the steady decrease in detention here, it comes down to release, and we end up just releasing those folks into the United States, which rather than deter them from coming, it encourages them to come.”

Many more migrants love this policy of the Biden administration. It means that even if they are caught and detained for a period of time, they have a good chance of just being released into America, which is where they wanted to be in the first place.

Before this change in policy, illegal immigrants had to worry about being sent back to their home countries. For some people, this meant wasting what was sometimes their life savings that they used to get to the U.S., only to be sent all the way back again.

In addition to the lax policies of the Biden administration, Heitke said the fact that there are so many fewer border agents means that many more individuals can cross into America and then just freely engage in whatever activities they want.