Gvt. Caught Paying Scientists To Justify Green Agenda

According to newly revealed documents, the carbon tax and other “climate change” initiatives of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s administration were bolstered by research commissioned by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

To back up Trudeau’s environmental agenda in August 2019, the then-minister of the Environment and Climate Change (ECC) department, Catherine McKenna, commissioned the communist World Economic Forum to write a study, according to documents acquired by Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis through Order Paper Question.

In an X post, Lewis attacked Trudeau for justifying the carbon price by paying the World Economic Forum almost $500,000 for the New Nature Economy Report.

She said she had gotten this data after asking the government for an inquiry. No one can trust international special interests to put Canadians’ interests first.

For $493,937, the paper sought to justify Trudeau’s environmental program, which includes his continuing increases to the carbon price, from an economic perspective.

The report’s target audience consists of high-ranking government and corporate officials with the authority to alter the present strategy.

To tackle the massive deforestation and fight climate change simultaneously, the World Economic Forum research proposes carbon pricing.

According to the statement, incorporating and effectively conveying environmental cost aspects to deter unsustainable activities is crucial to making nature-positive models investable. It hinted that actions such as carbon levies may be game-changing.

The study claims that twelve other nations might raise $1.8 billion yearly to fund natural climate solutions if they followed the lead of Colombia and Costa Rica and instituted a tropical carbon tax.

At the same time as the newly leaked documents are being made public, Trudeau has decided to proceed with the carbon price rise scheduled for April 1, over the wishes of most province premiers.

Despite refunds, Canadian households still spend hundreds of dollars annually due to Trudeau’s carbon tax, which was supposedly enacted to reduce carbon emissions.

As part of its socialist “Great Reset” plan, the World Economic Forum has been gradually advocating the use of renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuels.

There is strong agreement between the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Trudeau administration’s present environmental objectives.