More Severe Weather Predicted in Iowa After Millions in Damages

Two days after a devastating tornado ripped apart over a hundred houses in a single minute, killed four people, and wounded at least thirty-five more, residents of the tiny Iowa town of Greenfield labored to clean up while the sky was blue and the wind was blowing.

The thunderous rumble of heavy machinery removing the wrecked houses, cars, and trees filled the air along Thursday’s mile-long path. The gorgeous buildings and gardens on each side of the walkway seem unaffected, making it hard to imagine that a twister with peak speeds of 175-185 mph (109-115 kph) had devastated the town of 2,000.

On Thursday night and into Friday, the Midwest might see further severe weather. In southern Oklahoma, a tornado lingered for about an hour, and tornadoes were possible in affected portions of Iowa.

Damage from Tuesday’s tornado in Greenfield was evident on the faces of many who are still trying to comprehend the speed with which their homes and lives were destroyed. Some are in grief, while others are thankful that they were spared.

A devastating EF-4 tornado blasted over a hundred houses in the Iowa hamlet of Greenfield apart in a single minute, leaving behind a muddy and broken ruin that stretches block after block.

Just days after a devastating twister decimated one tiny town, storms toppled power lines and trees on Friday, leading to reports of other tornadoes in Iowa and Illinois.

During the night, a massive storm system formed in Nebraska and moved over central Iowa and eventually into Illinois. As the National Weather Service was evaluating the damage from several reported twisters in Moline, Illinois, and south of Iowa City, a weak tornado landed in the Des Moines suburbs. There were no casualties or injuries mentioned.

The storm also delivered heavy rains; the meteorological service reports that some parts of Iowa had received as much as 8 inches (20 cm) of rain in the last week.

A church in Madison, Wisconsin, also caught fire on Friday after a rainstorm. A “zap zap zap” electrical sound and a resounding boom of thunder were reported by Nate Moll, a resident who lives only two doors down from Holy Redeemer Catholic Church. Calcutta firefighters put out the fire.

As a result of global warming, storms are becoming more intense, and the United States is seeing a tornado season unlike any in recent memory. Tornadoes in April were the second most common month in the United States.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma, reported 859 confirmed tornadoes as of Tuesday. This is 27% higher than the typical U.S. tornado count. With 81 verified twisters, Iowa has the most.