Republican Downplays Trump’s Comments on Kamala Harris’ Race

The race card is the favorite one for Democrats to play, and any time they can accuse a Republican of “racism,” they seem to believe they have scored a victory for morality and justice. 

The latest Democrat salvo against Donald Trump, of course, is to accuse him of being “racist” against presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris. Vice President Harris is the least popular holder of her office in history according to almost every poll. When she entered the Democrat primary in 2019 in a White House bid, she polled so badly that she dropped out of the race dead last. Her highest polling numbers ever came in at only 15 percent during that cycle. 

Then, a political miracle occurred. The immensely disliked vice president, known for her impossible to understand “word salad” remarks, has been presented by the Democrat party as the inevitable next president with a historic mandate. 

So, what has Trump in hot water? During an interview with a hostile host at the National Association of Black Journalists last week, Trump pointed out the Harris acts like a chameleon when it comes to her race. Harris’ father was a Jamaican-born university professor, while her mother is a cancer researcher from India. For years she played up her Indian heritage, but now, she appears to be trying to present herself as typical American black woman. 

Trump remarked that she was Indian until “she happened to turn black.”

Democrats predictably pounced, denouncing Trump as “racist,” though it is not clear how his accurate statement about Harris’ heritage and her obvious identity shifting should be seen as a slur against black people.

Black Republican House member Byron Donalds sees it that way, and has been defending Trump to the press. He calls the Democrats’ bellyaching a “side issue” that has nothing to do with important presidential policy.

Former Bill Clinton adviser turned news anchor George Stephanopolous of ABC tried to corner Donalds on the issue recently. He asked the Congressman why Trump was “questioning the vice president’s racial identity.” It is not clear why the newsman seems uninterested in questions of objective fact, or why he finds it puzzling that Harris’ apparent race-shifting might raise eyebrows. 

Donalds said he simply doesn’t care. “This is really a phony controversy,” he said, adding that most Americans don’t care either. He pointed out that the bastion of liberal leftist media itself, the Associated Press, called Harris, accurately, the “first Indian American United States Senator.”