35 year-old vocalist Chris Brown suffered a mishap with a wire suspension rig during a recent concert, and he was quite put out with his staff members who were responsible for the incident. Video of the incident has gone viral.
Brown can be seen in his stuck position, suspended over the stage during a performance at the Prudential Center in New Jersey on June 12, in a clip shared online by TikTok user @terriem89. The Grammy-winning vocalist wound up performing Under the Influence from his dangling position after the wire rig malfunctioned.
On the video, despite making an angry gesture to someone back stage who isn’t visible to the audience, Brown continued his performance while his backup dancers continued to do their routine on the stage below. Stage hands brought out a ladder and set it up near Brown, allowing him to descend as he completed the song, though he did exchange tense words with one of his crew members between verses.
The Hollywood Reporter shared a different video, recorded from another angle. According to the accompanying article, at the end of the concert Brown shared his anger with the crowd, but made an effort to make light of the incident.
The incident happened on Brown’s 11:11 tour, which will conclude later this summer with a pair of shows at Los Angeles’s Crypto.com Arena on the 6th and 7th of August.
This latest viral exposure for brown comes not long after he publicly complained that his invite to participate in the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game had been rescinded. He said that sponsors of the event were squeamish about the violence in his past, and so pressured the NBA to withdraw the invitation. He said of the incident that he is sick and tired of people bringing up the mistakes of his past—which include a guilty plea for felony domestic violence against his singer Rhianna, who was his girlfriend at the time—and forcing him to continue to live there.