Trump Jr. Drops Stunning VP Hint

Since entering the Oval Office in January of 2021, the 46th President Joe Biden has presided over a period of instability and volatility for the United States at both the domestic and international levels of politics. Since beginning his term of service, Biden touted massive spending packages early in his presidency. These packages were passed by the Democrat controlled congress, and the federal government subsequently authorized trillions of dollars in new spending. Due to this, rampant inflation has at least in part occurred, skyrocketing the cost of living and devaluing the U.S. dollar. The American middle class, which has been struggling for decades, continues to shrink, and 60% of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck. Home ownership has also been deemed as nearly unattainable for much of the nation, as housing is now unaffordable for average income families in 99% of the country.

Millions of illegals continue to enter the nation through the porous southern border. 5 million migrants have been estimated to have entered the country since January of 2021, and the federal government, Joe Biden, and the Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas appear unwilling or unable to address the problem. The government has also allocated (with the support of Republicans in the legislative minority) billions of dollars in appropriations for Ukraine. While the American people continue to suffer, the border remains open, crime soars, and the quality of life within the country deteriorates, politicians are more concerned with helping foreigners at the expense of their own people.

The 2024 presidential election remains about 9 months away, and the former president Donald Trump appears to be the clear Republican nominee. While the primaries are still contested, Trump has a massive lead over Nikki Haley, the only remaining challenger. Trumps son, Donald Trump Jr., claimed that Tucker Carlson could be a possible candidate for the vice presidency should Trump obtain the GOP nomination. Time will reveal the truth.