Over the last several years, the quality of life in the United States has severely and precipitously declined. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the murder of George Floyd, widespread civil unrest, and the general election of 2020 in which the 45th president of the United States Donald Trump was soundly defeated in a contest against the career politician and former vice president Joe Biden, America has been on the road to destruction. While it could be argued that the country has been on a slow, steady decline since the September 11th terrorist attacks, since the 2021 inauguration of Biden this deterioration has been apparent. America faces a plethora of problems- in social, fiscal, and cultural terms. Progressives and Conservatives across the nation continue to battle with each other and the state of politics within the union is increasingly volatile and divisive. As the 2024 presidential election draws ever nearer, a rematch of 2020 appears likely and Trump and Biden appear locked in a dead heat.
Both men are severely unpopular. Trump is a toxic political figure who is widely disliked, even by many Republicans. He currently faces four criminal indictments and is mired in many legal battles as he attempts to prepare for the general election contest in November after clinching the Republican nomination several months ago. But president Biden is equally as unpopular and appears to be trailing Trump in many key swing states. Only time will tell what will happen in the election, but it is likely to be pivotally close.
Perhaps Biden’s biggest failure as president (besides rampant inflation and a stagnant economy and the failure to prevent two foreign wars) has been his handling of the southern border. Millions of illegals have entered the country, with thousands more arriving daily. His government has provided public assistance to these foreigners at the expense of taxpayers- a recent report alleges Biden wasn’t even aware of this disgusting, controversial reality.