Hillary Clinton Says Women Didn’t Vote for Her Since She’s Not Perfect

Former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton found another group to blame for her 2016 loss to Donald Trump, this time pointing the finger at women voters.

In a recently published February interview with the authors of the upcoming book “The Fall of Roe: The Rise of a New America,” Mrs. Clinton claimed that women voters abandoned her campaign in the final days of the 2016 race because they didn’t want to take a risk on her.

Clinton claimed that as a female candidate, she was “supposed to be perfect” and women voters were willing to take a risk on Donald Trump, despite his “long list” of flaws, “because he was a man” and women “could envision a man as president and commander-in-chief.” 

Clinton also criticized the Democrats over the party’s failure to shore up abortion during the battle over Roe v. Wade, arguing that the party underestimated the strength of the pro-life movement which was why the Democrats were “taken by surprise” when the Supreme Court overturned Roe in 2022.

Mrs. Clinton said the Democrat Party didn’t take the pro-life movement “seriously” and failed to “understand the threat” it posed. She added that most Americans failed to understand that America was “in an existential struggle for the future of this country,” and suggested that Democrats should have “done more to fight.”

This wasn’t the first time Hillary claimed that women abandoned her in the final weeks of the 2016 race.

While visiting India in 2017, Hillary claimed that her support among white women cratered after former FBI Director James Comey “dropped that very ill-advised letter” to Congress in late October 2016 about reopening the investigation into Hillary’s mishandling of classified emails.

Hillary said after that happened, the white women who were “standing up to the men in their lives” by planning to vote for her were told by men that Hillary would go to jail and they shouldn’t vote for her.