Biden Admin’s ‘Electrification’ Plan Advances, Efficiency Standards Set

(NEW) President of the United States Joe Biden delivers remarks on a possible default of the debt in a speech at Westchester Community College in Valhalla, New York. May 10, 2023. U.S. President Joe Biden discusses why Congress must avoid default immediately and without conditions, and how the House Republican Default on America Act will cut veterans’ health care visits, teachers and school support staffs, and Meals on Wheels for seniors. Credit: Kyle Mazza/TheNews2

The Biden administration hopes to decarbonize the United States by advocating for electric cars, appliances, and utility sector reforms.

People who said that the left was coming after their gas stoves were dismissed and laughed at, calling the claims a “myth” and “misinformation,” but Biden is quietly advancing a “building electrification” program that would achieve the same goals.

Ironically, the administration was “gaslighting” the American public when they said people were “crazy” to think anyone was taking away their, well, gas lights.

In April, the DOE published a report outlining its long-term goals for decarbonizing the United States’ infrastructure. These include increasing the use of electric cars and appliances and implementing major reforms to the utility system’s functionality and reliance on fossil fuels. 

Beginning in 2030, federal buildings would not be permitted to utilize anything that would compromise its goal of “zero emissions” from fossil fuels. Additionally, substantial funds were allocated to assist state and local governments in developing their own comprehensive green construction regulations.

A building is considered “zero-emissions” if it meets two of the three minimum requirements laid down by the Department of Energy (DOE): it must be “free of on-site emissions from energy use” and “powered solely from clean energy.” These two requirements were published on Thursday. 

The federal government has released a plethora of rules aimed at various home equipment, such as heaters, dishwashers, gas-powered portable generators, motors for pool pumps, and many more.

Gabriella Hoffman—who heads the Energy and Conservation Center at the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF)—said that the reality is quite different. When it comes to matters of personal preference—like the kind of stove you use, the car you drive, the gas furnace you have, etc.—people do not want to be dictated options, which is why they are not backing the administration’s laws and electrification push.