Transcript Reportedly Showing Final Titan Submarine Moments is Fake

A transcript purportedly detailing the last conversations between the Titan sub and its mother ship turned out to be fabricated.

Nearly twelve months ago, five individuals perished when the fatal submarine collapsed during the 12,500-foot descent to the Titanic remains. A disturbing transcript purportedly documenting the crew’s last-ditch efforts to return to the surface circulated on social media at the same time.

The fake transcript purportedly detailed Titan’s conversations with its mother spacecraft, the Polar Prince, minute by minute.

It appeared as though the five guys were desperately attempting to fix onboard problems just before they passed away.

The fake log used many technical terms to say that the submarine’s hull alarms were going off just before communication stopped.

“Please respond if you’re able” was prominently featured in a last communication purportedly from the mother ship.

However, the log was rejected as false following an investigation that lasted a year.

During the examination of the tragic expedition, no indication was found that the Titanians had any warning that a catastrophic implosion was imminent.

The head of the Marine Board of Investigation, Captain Jason D. Neubauer, a former US Coast Guard officer, is confident it’s a false transcript, adding that somebody created it well enough to make it look plausible.

Paul-Henri Nargeolet, a French Navy veteran, was on board the sub when it went missing, along with British millionaire Hamish Harding, OceanGate chairman Stockton Rush, and businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman, who was 19 years old.

On June 18, 2023, as it approached the Titanic wreckage, which lies 12,500 feet below the surface, the $250,000 journey operated by OceanGate lost contact.

A desperate search was initiated after the submarine did not come to the surface following the loss of communication.

A robot sent to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean found the sub’s wreckage after days of hoping for a miracle. The sub had apparently exploded, and the personnel on board probably had no idea what had happened.

According to the US Coast Guard, in October, more evidence and what are believed to be human remains from Titan were retrieved.

Nevertheless, the precise site and reason for the implosion are believed to remain a mystery forever.