Hungarian Government Takes Cue From Trump For New Motto

Following in the footsteps of previous president Trump, the Hungarian government has pledged to "Make Europe Great Again" when it assumes the leadership of the EU Council. Budapest has revealed its plans in anticipation of...

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Presented without liberal bias, Red Nation Today and its premier newsletters aim to educate and inform Americans with traditional values.

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Red Nation Today believes in uniting the conservative movement through strength. By being informed about politics, we can achieve that mission. Nationwide News focuses on critical issues such as the right to life, the freedom of speech, and the right to gun ownership. This newsletter is free of liberal bias like you’ll find in mainstream media sources. Nationwide News helps you exercise personal responsibility by ensuring you stay informed about critical issues affecting your personal rights and freedoms as a conservative American — allowing you to take action in your community and in the voting booth.

Pair Nationwide News with International Finds to receive a more complete perspective on politics, both foreign and domestic. International Finds covers global news and how conflicts abroad affect the United States as we remain a global superpower.

International Finds covers political summits as well as conflicts abroad. When our leaders meet with foreign officials, International Finds reports the details. We cover the interplay of domestic issues as they affect the world as well — such as how much aid the United States provides to the world to ensure people stay safe and fed. Additionally, International Finds always treats the men and women of our armed forces with respect, understanding that they put their lives on the line to defend democracy and keep us safe.

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Harvard Researchers Publish Study On Hidden UFO Civilizations 

Researchers from both Harvard University and Montana Technological University issued a new report this week that said it’s possible that an unidentified population that’s very technologically advanced could be living on Earth secretly. The researchers...

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Paris Olympics Attempt Climate-Friendly Planning for More Sustainability

The 2024 Olympic Games are set to take place this summer in Paris, France. This time around there is a three-year difference between the last Summer Olympics, which were postponed in Toyko until 2021...

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